Stream Breeze Fly Rod
Stream Breeze Fly Rod - Bamboo Texture Blank 4-Piece Rods
Product Description
With quality components and construction, the Stream Breeze series are medium fast-action rods with a special bamboo texture and blank reinforcement that are smooth casting and powerful backbone, premium grade cork with burled accents, and oversized stripping guides. New anodized aluminum reel seats with cherry wood inserts make these rods as forgiving on the eyes as they are in the hand.
Model Length (Feet) Line Pieces Action STF084-3 8' # 3 4 M-Fast STF084-4 8' # 4 4 M-Fast STF084-5 9' # 5 4 M-Fast STF084-6 9' # 6 4 Fast STF084-7 9' # 7 4 Fast